Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Nova : Asteroid

Hi everyone,
Today, I have a home work to listening lecture on the internet. It's really interesting for me because I can know a bout the Earth, why was dinosaur disappear, and disaster all over the world.
This lecture talking about the asteroid will be hit to the Earth. It's sound so terrible, because every thing will be destroy around the place asteroid hit to the Earth. It's really really huge area. For example: In 2004, the scientists found out a asteroid move in the sky and it seemed to be hit to the earth. The was wide 1000 feet and if it hit to the earth, it would destroyed 80%-90% the life in the earth. Do you know that 65 million years ago, the Earth was hit by a asteroid and made all the dinosaur disappear. The researcher guess that in Friday, 13th April, 2029, the asteroid will be hit to the Earth. But another opinion from NASA improve that is not true, It's will come in 2036 if it's pass to the key hole. I don't know which one is true, but I am still care about this problem. How we can solve this problem??? The scientist said we can not fight with asteroid but we can try our best to control and adjust the speed of asteroid. It's not easy job but we need to do that to prevent asteroid.
In my opinion, If the asteroid happened, It would be a terrible day for us : everything would be destroy, no live in the Earth, everything would stop... But I hope with the developing day by day of science, we can control the asteroid and find out some solution to keep out of the asteroid.

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